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A composite of multi-layers with a Liquid Crystal Sheet sandwiched in the middle, UMU units are resistant to impacts; a characteristic that makes them exceptionally safe products for a variety of applications. Because UMU is laminated glass, piece of glass are security bound together while fragments are prevented from spreading should a break occur.


A composite of multi-layers with a liquid crystal sheet sandwiched in the middle, UMU units are resistant to impacts; a characteristic that makes them exceptionally safe products for a variety of applications. Because UMU is Laminated glass, piece of glass are securely bound to gether while fragments are prevented from spreading should a break occur.

The secret of the tranformation between clear or translucent glass is found in the Liquid Crystal Sheet. The randomly aligned Liquid Crystal molecules is such that it disperses light. When voltage is applied, however, these same molecules arrange themselves in a specific direction' in such a way as to permit parallel light to pass through the glass.

Images are projected on the panels when they are translucent. When they are clear, the monitor behind becomes visible; a surprise element is the secret of this display's popularity.

For Further UMU's Product Information, Please contact Weltec Sale Team
Tel: (852) 3102 1788
Fax: (852) 31021218


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